Only action creates change.
your vision will remain a vision until you choose to take action.
Your vision provides the direction, while action provides the stepping stones that slowly add up to create the change you want to see in yourself and in the world. I can attest to the power of holding a vision and repeatedly taking small steps in the right direction, because this is how I transformed my own life.
Looking back, it is incredibly easy to connect the dots, to see every small step that brought my dream to life and every small step that took me away from that original vision. But when we are living in the present, the path ahead often feels long and out of reach. I cannot stress the importance of taking action toward your vision enough, because only action will create change. Your actions do not need to be giant leaps, it is all about taking small steps in the right direction.
I want to remind you that not all actions are created equal. I have written about visions and direction and dreamsrepeatedly because I believe they are the key to unlocking your true potential, the key to becoming the best and truest version of you. But if we are going to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and reach for something more, it is in our best interest to be taking the right steps, to be taking aligned action so that our small steps actually add up to the results we are hoping for.