Your direction is more important than your speed.
I wholeheartedly believe that our direction (facing our own true north) is more important than the speed at which we walk or hike or trek. The mountains we climb are ours to scale, whether it takes a a day, a week, a mother, or even a lifetime.
“If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up somewhere else.”
Life has as mysterious ways of redirecting us or nudging us toward something when we need it most, but we almost always ignore or fight against these tiny warnings, determined to stay the course no matter the cost. Redirection requires deep reflection, but all too often we push forward despite these little whispers or miss the whispers entirely.
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of our lives.
I believe that knowing what we want is the first step in getting and/or achieving it and I believe that sometimes we must slow down to speed up. Get grounded in where you have been while visualizing where you want to go, the direction in which you want to grow. Let your life play out behind your closed eyes, let these future memories that you are seeing guide you in a direction not yet known to you.
Reflection Questions