The thing you keep dreaming about is the thing you are meant to be doing.

For years I tried to silence my dreams, the truth is they felt wildly unattainable and the idea of pursing them (with two young kids in tow) was far scarier than ignoring them. I kept telling myself that my life was ‘good enough’ and that I didn’t need to complicate the delicate balance of managing life with littles with my own (growing) desire for more.

But the harder I tried to silence my dreams, the louder they became until I eventually found the courage to start walking in the right direction. Once I committed to tackling the dreams on my heart, I got to work challenging all the things (both big and small) that were standing in my way. 

The largest and most significant obstacle was the fact that I had two young kids and very little childcare. I had previously left my corporate career behind to be more available for my family and the idea of hiring outside help before I had a steady paycheck was a hurdle I didn’t feel prepared to face.

I eventually went on to create a co-working space with on-site childcare to support other moms in achieving this delicate balance, allowing them the time and the space to work independent of their kids and building myself a business that supported my own families needs. One week later COVID hit and I guess the rest is history (or at least that version of my dream is).

Each step we take ultimately takes us one step closer to the version of ourselves we’ve been dreaming about. I believe that dreams are placed on our hearts and into our minds for a reason, but our dreams won’t work unless we do.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Reflection Questions

What do you keep dreaming about?

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