You are more than enough.
We live in a ‘never enough’ society that survives and thrives on our never ending desire for more - more likes, more opportunities, more things, more money, more everything - and yet, most of what we want and think we need is determined by circumstances outside of ourselves.
We see others who have a particular thing, often identified through envy - 100K followers on instagram, a fancy new car, a 7 figure business - and we decide that we must strive for the same without ever pausing to ask ourselves if that ‘thing’ is what we truly want and/or need, if achieving that ‘thing’ will actually satisfy our craving.
In many cases, the minute we get the thing we have been striving for, as soon as we meet our own wants and needs, we immediately move on to the next thing without ever pausing to appreciate what we just accomplished or all that we already have.
Reflection Questions
How would you define ‘enough’ for yourself?