The more important the goal, the more resistance you will feel.
Resistance is a way we block ourselves and our ideas from fully forming, an attempt to prevent something from happening by action or argument. Resistance shows up in the form of fear and self doubt, it shows up in procrastination and avoidance, it shows up in all the many ways we talk ourselves out of instead of into our ideas.
Resistance is the voice in the back of your head that says you can't or makes excuses that take you further and further away from your own desires. Resistance convinces us our dreams and desires are not worth pursuing. Resistance is a very real obstacle standing between you and the life of your dreams.
The more we want something, the more we resist it and this is how we know when to pursue an idea or a project or simply reject it. Read more about resistance here.
Reflection Questions
What are you resisting?
What is your resistance telling you to do?
How could you lean into your resistance instead of pushing it away?